2 Donut Holes

On our trip to the beach this summer we stopped in San Antonio for the night.

In addition to nearly dying of heat stroke with an ill timed boat tour on arrival, we almost let the heat get us a second time by touring the Alamo in the heat of the following day.

The morning of the Alamo we walked to Shipley Donuts for a late breakfast.

Mom and K left after a bit in search of an egg-free breakfast across the street at Whataburger, while H and I finished our donuts and coffee and Shipley.

Before we left to meet up again at Whataburger, a haggard looking young woman quickly came in, asked for 2 donut holes, counted out a few coins, and briskly left.

You girls had asked a few questions about some of the homeless people you saw sleeping here and there on the sidewalks that weekend too.

And while I do think much of people’s problems (in first-world nations anyway) are self inflicted or cultural, in one way or the other, let’s never lose our sense of perspective and thankfulness about it all.

For God is close to the brokenhearted.

I love you.
