2018 New Mexico Trip - Day 1

2018 New Mexico, Day 1

Since it’s always hard to leave town at 5 PM and drag into some other town at midnight with two young children, mom and I took off work at lunch.

We got Y’all out of school and we were all on the road by 1:00.

Thankfully, we only stopped once to stretch and use the bathroom.

Made it all the way to Santa Rosa.

We almost didn’t make it that far because K started fussing in Ft. Sumner.

She squawked on and off nearly all the way until Santa Rosa.

Three hours later, we hit Albuquerque and went straight to Trader Joe’s for water, milk, yogurt, bananas, and the essentials.

Then south on I-25 and west on MLK.

Finally, we made it to the hotel.

When we did, oh man, you girls went bananas.

You were both running and screaming up and down the halls.

We ordered room service and ate sitting on the floor picnic style.

At one point, K got ahold of a small ketchup bottle and promptly dropped it, sending ketchup flying halfway across the room like it had been shot out of a mini cannon.

We were on the 18th floor and you girls loved looking out of the full-length windows.

After all of that, it was obviously hard falling asleep.

The hardest part was that K kept rolling over and tickling H!

I love you.
