2018 New Mexico, Day 2

2018 New Mexico, Day 2

Everyone stayed up so ridiculously late last night, we, thankfully, woke up late.

It took us forever to get out the door, but we finally made it to Frontier Restaurant for breakfast.

Mom and I love the breakfast burrito – and everyone likes the cinnamon rolls.

K managed to point at a picture of John Wayne and say “Pop-pop” about ten times.

Then she pointed at a picture of a nappy looking nun driving a bumper car and said “Da-da” about ten times.

With our blood sugar levels maxed out, we drove down Central to Lousiana and shopped at ABQ Uptown for an hour or so.

I say we shopped.

I pushed yall around in the stroller, and mom shopped for kid clothes…

K, I think you waved at nearly every single person we saw.

It was approaching noon, so we leisurely called the hotel to request a late checkout.

And I think for the first time ever – we were told no.

So with haste, we made it back to our room before 12:00, packed up our stuff and left.

By then it was time for lunch.

And, thankfully, next up was our usual stop at Buca di Beppo.

You kids were so tired you barely made it through lunch and fell asleep as we got you into the car.

We headed to the Tamaya to stay there for the rest of our trip.

Shortly after check-in, we got a kit at the front desk and did smores on an outside fire pit.

It was cold outside – so as any father would – I picked up K and tried to get her as close as possible to the warm air.

The problem is that it was windy too.

The wind changed, the flames shifted, the fire danced around K’s face, and mom yelled at me:

“Is she ok?! Did you singe her eyebrows?!”

Everyone was fine.

We watched movies after we got back to our room.

I have a note here about mom being grumpy later that night – but I don’t even remember what it was about at this point.

Happy Anniversary to us!

We were all in bed by 8:30.

I love you.
