2018 New Mexico, Day 4

2018 New Mexico, Day 4

Today was zoo day!

Honestly, I can’t remember the last time we went to Albuquerque and didn’t go to the zoo.

I think it only happened once.

Maybe on a quick balloon festival trip?

We ordered room service for breakfast: pastries and coffee.

Suspiciously, the basket of pastries goes less and less far the more kids we have…

K’s favorite animal was probably the hyena.

H’s favorite, the lion.

However, neither of those aminals were the talk of the trip.

The talk of the trip was the gorilla.


Well because the gorilla was the first animal that we saw after the flamingoes by the front gate.

Are flamingoes the token by-the-entrance exhibit of every zoo?

So we were marveling at how big the gorilla was, and we were about to move to the next exhibit.

And then it happened.

The gorilla tilted his head to listen to another animal in the next exhibit, stood up on two feet, and pounded his chest as he let out a short roar.

Roar? Does a gorilla roar?

Growl? Maybe, bellow?

I am not even sure.

K was mesmerized by nearly everything until she got tired.

We stopped in the cafe for a rest like we always do but all the drinks and chips that we order had been switched out for healthy food by some crazy person.

We ate our own food and then left.

You girls both rode the carousel and K made it around almost 3 times before she started crying and mom had to hold her.

We left and drove around for awhile so you girls got a chance to rest in the car.

Back at the Tamaya, we had a late lunch and hung out in our room.

And H, later that day, you somehow found a way to convince mom to go swimming in 55-degree weather.

Of course, K was furious she was not allowed to go too.

We snacked for supper and crashed into bed.

I love you.
