9 Inches

9 Inches

We got 9 inches of snow this weekend.

It started sometime late on Friday, and on Saturday we woke up to a winter wonderland.

Y’all woke up early and mom had both you girls out in the snow in your PJ’s and boots before I even got out of bed.

H, you and mom and I built a little snowman in the front yard and put sunglasses on her.

K, you came outside with us, but insisted on being held the entire time because you did not want to walk in the snow.

We all ventured out for takeout from Chuy’s and managed to keep the fire going all-day long.

Church got canceled on Sunday and we watched movies as the snow began to thaw, again, only leaving the house for an early lunch at Red Robin.

Sunday night after showers we drove around and looked at Christmas lights in the snow. 

We were gone for less than 30 minutes but both of you girls were asleep by the time we got home.

It was a good weekend.

I love you.
