A Reminder About Time

Every time an unexpected death slaps us in the face, we are all painfully reminded of how fragile life is, and how short our time on this earth will be.

Aren’t we? 

A friend of mine lost her husband this past weekend.  He was 32, and she is 8 months pregnant. 

It is odd how it works though.

It is hard to look at an old friend in a different way as time goes by.

I still see a goofy junior-high girl and my heart breaks. 

I have known her since she was 12, at 32 she is a widow. 

I am reminded of a passage by Max Lucado, in his book God Came Near, where he writes about “Eternal Instants.”

He says: 

“Eternal instants. You’ve had them. We all have. Sharing a porch swing on a summer evening with your grandchild. Seeing her face in the glow of a candle. Putting your arm into your husband’s as you stroll through the golden leaves and breathe the brisk autumn air. Listening to your six-year-old thank God for everything from goldfish to Grandma. Such moments are necessary because they remind us that everything is okay. The King is still on the throne and life is still worth living. Eternal instants remind us that love is still the greatest possession and the future is nothing to fear. The next time an instant in your life begins to be eternal, let it. Put your head back on the pillow and soak it in. Resist the urge to cut it short. Don’t interrupt the silence or shatter the solemnity. You are, in a very special way, on holy ground.” 

The next time you have an eternal instant – soak it up! 

I promise to devour every single eternal instant I get with you and mom. 

I love you. 

— Dad