Absolute Weekend

What an absolute weekend.

Oh my word.

T, you got a stomach bug at school and started throwing up Thursday night.

You threw up off and on all day Friday too. Mom stayed home with you all day.

Then school was out, dad was off work, you were feeling better, and we thought all was right with the world again.

And then mom started getting sick late Friday night!

We woke up Saturday morning and then K, you started throwing up!!!

I helped clean up where I could. Changed sheets. Sprayed Lysol. I went to the store and stocked up on Gatorade, soup, and ginger ale too.

H and I even drank a bunch of Welch’s 100% grape juice – and mostly hid in the master bedroom – trying to ward off the infection.

And maybe it worked? Post Poc Ergo Propter Hoc.

But at least we didn’t get sick!

Work is crazy, so I sure could have used a relaxing weekend.

But I’m glad that’s over.

I love you.
