After VBS

T, you were sick today.

You had a fever this morning and mom is slammed at work – so you and I stayed home together.

But – since it’s the summer – K wanted to skip and stay home too.

H was at VBS until noon.

But again – since it’s the summer – H asked to stay home after VBS too (skipping her afternoon at Rock Solid summer camp).

So it turned in to a girls day with dad!

It was a good day.

T, you felt so bad though that you cried anytime I was not holding you.

We play a lot in the floor, listened o music, went for a drive around town, and watched a little TV.

Of course we got an email later in the day that confirmed cases of hand-foot-and-mouth are in your class at Learning Tree!

So we hope we are not out for a week with you feeling bad…

I love you.
