Again And Again

You girls have this hilarious – admittedly sometimes infuriating – thing you do nearly every night when we read books.

See, most children’s books have little pictures on their back covers that show other books that the author has written.

After we finish a book, you will turn the last page over and point and ask:

Do we have this one?

Mom will answer yes or no.

You will point to the next book, and next book, and ask again, and again, until you have asked about every single book pictured.

Do we have this one? Do we have this one? Do we have this one?

It’s only ever an issue if we are late getting to bed and pressed for time.

H stared it. And seems to be on a mission to teach K too.

And T, I’m sure you will pick up on it soon too.

Y’all are perfect.

I love you.
