Why I Made This Website Anonymous

Why I Made This Website Anonymous

So, why did I make this website anonymous – at least for now?

The answer simple:

It is not my decision to choose if my writing to you is public or private.

I suppose it is public in the sense that it has been published online.

But you would have to search to find it, and posts are not promoted in any way, shape, or form (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.).

Further, nobody’s names are referenced.

So even if it were promoted by social media, “Mom, Dad, H, and K” is about all you have to go on.

Once upon a time, everyone lived in relative privacy.

When I was a child, the only places to read about someone were in a book, a magazine, or the newspaper.

Seems crazy the world has changed so much since then.

But, of course, a private life has become difficult as the internet has grown.

Social media and digital publishing have allowed everyone to instantaneously share their writing, videos, and pictures with the world.

This is fantastic as there are fewer gatekeepers deciding what is “worthy” to publish and what is not.

But with this, we have lost our anonymity.

I have a little bit of judgment in my heart about people that share every intimate detail and picture of their children before their children were ever given a choice.

This website is anonymous because you get to choose what you want to be public.

My advice is to err on the side of anonymity.

It is easy to eventually share more, but hard to put it all back in the bottle once it is out.

I love you.
