Another Sleepover

Big day today.

Hannah Foy is in town and sleeping over this week to go to vacation bible school.

K, you slept at Pop and Gammies house last night after we all stayed up late running through the sprinklers and looking through Pop’s telescope at the moon.

Everyone slept in this mornIng.

T went to school about 9.

K came home to play with H and Hannah around 10.

Mom got home for lunch at 11:30 – and I finally went to work at noon.

From 1 – 5, K was at Rock Solid, H and H were at VBS, T was at school, and mom and I were back at work.


Then we ate Rosa’s for dinner and went swimming at the Texas Tech pool!

By the time we got home, showered, and tried to wind down, K was headed back to Pop and Gramms for another sleepover.

Gosh we’re all tired.


I love you.
