Author Archives: Dad

Work With Me Today

K, you’re at work with me today.

Not because you want to be…

You’re being punished for not listening to the babysitter.

(Her name is Cambrie. Can I out her here? Will she see this?!)

I mean, your punishment is hanging out with Dad for the day?! 😢


We got Dunkin Donuts after dropping T off at school.

And now you are quietly playing with Woodsies on the other side of the desk.

You’re being adorable, if you want to know the truth.

It might be your punishment, but it’s the best day I have had at work in weeks.

I love you.


Morning Snuggles

All you kids have done it.

But T, you gave me some morning snuggles this morning that were just to die for.

I was still in that in-between phase where you are not asleep still, but not awake yet either.

Somewhere in the Lala land of dreams and needed response.

I was hugging the pillow and you were loved up on my neck holding me like a baby koala bear.

At four, your little body still feels like a little hot water bottle over my shoulders.

I remember H and K doing the same.

And its all been bliss.

I love you.


Here Comes The Judge, Sermon Notes

Title: Here Comes The Judge
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 14 July 2024
Verse: Matthew 25:31-46

I. The Certainty of Judgment (31-22a) (Separation)
A. Judge
B. Time
C. Place
D. Subjects

II. The Criterion of Judgment (32b-45) (Evaluation)
A. Saved (Servant’s Heart)
B. Lost (Selfish Heart)

III. The Consequence of Judgment (46) (Destination)
A. Saved (Paradise)
B. Unsaved (Punishment)