Author Archives: Dad

Unjinx You

K, you rascall.

H was away at camp, T was at school, and you were back and forth between home and LCU basketball camp.

It was just you and I.

We’re getting out of the car, and you casually say “What?” asking me to repeat myself.

I do – and you repeat it back with me and say “Jinx” before I can think.

My eyes got big and I glared at you in silence.

You cackled with a loud laugh and declared:

Dad, there’s no one here to unjinx you!

I couldn’t believe it.

I mean, nobody in our family stayed jinxed for longer than a few seconds because someone is always there for the unjinx!

Eventually, you did unjinx me, but it was an ordeal with a lot of laughing. 🤣

I love you.


Ready Or Not, Sermon Notes

Title: Ready Or Not
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 30 June 2024
Verse: Matthew 24:42-51

I. The Realization of His Coming (42)

II. The Readiness for His Coming (43-47)
A. Resolved
B. Responsible
C. Rewarded 

III. The Rejection of His Coming (48-51)
A. Unbelieving
B. Unfaithful
C. Unimaginable

Irish Goodbyes

Your grandparents get all offended by them.

But I love Irish goodbyes too….

Let them say goodbye.
You say goodbye too.
And then you leave.

Irish Goodbyes

Here’s that link:

This one makes me laugh too: