Author Archives: Dad

Jesus, Jews, and the Tribulation, Sermon Notes

Title: Jesus, Jews, and the Tribulation
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 12 April 2024
Verse: Matthew 24:16-26, 1 Thessalonians 4:16

I. The Supernatural Proclamation of Jesus
A. To the Jews
B. By the Jews

II. The Secret Presence of Jesus

Counter Kisses

T, I love dropping you off at school.

Some days it seems like one more thing.

But most days I enjoy the drive and the company in the car.

But there is more.

See, I wanted to tell you that it is one of the bright spots of my day right now.

As I am checking you in, you put up your water bottle under the counter.

Then, while I say good morning to one of your teachers or Ms. Lindsey, you put away your backpack in a cubbie to the far right.

But then as I leave, you always return to the counter, lean over, and give me the best kiss on the lips.

We call them counter kisses.

We even ask each other if we can have a “counter-kiss” if one of us forgets.

We rarely forget.

It’s wonderful, if you want to know the truth.

I love you.


Just Worried

K, you said the absolute sweetest thing the other day.

H was headed to Callie’s house to swim before going to Nerf Wars and Hazel’s church.

I knew all that, but when I came to pick you up from school, H was already gone.

I wanted to check and make sure she got where she was supposed to go – but before I could stop you – you ran to the back of the school and started asking all the teachers “Where is my sister?!” 🤣

We talked to Ms. Butler though and she assured us everything was good.

You didn’t say much on the way back to the car.

I asked if you were ok and you said.

Yeah, I was just worried about H. I know we fight a lot and push each other’s buttons. But she is my best friend. I love her so much.

My girl. 🥲

I love you.
