Author Archives: Dad

Cinderella Song


I posted about the Cinderella song here before.

But at this last daddy-daughter dance, you make me laugh real good about it.

The dance was nearly half over and they had only been playing fast songs to that point.

Then they started playing Cinderella out of the blue.

You came over and asked me to dance.\

I said, “of course.

And that “they are playing the song!”

You casually said, “I know – I told them to play it.” 🤣

K, we danced quite a bit too, but you were just getting over a stomach bug and at about 60% capacity.

The night closed with you sitting in my lap and your head resting on the table. ☹️

Y’all were both so beautiful in your dresses.

And I even wore a tie.

I love you.


Operation Christmas Child

Mom has requested we do this post on Operation Christmas Child.

We will try to keep a running list of whose box went where and update this page as we go.

I can’t decide if it should be just text or pictures too. 🤔

For now, this is it:

H, K, T – all boxes sent to Ecuador

H&T – Ukraine
K – South Africa 

Rarely do you get to change the course of someone’s life – I simply hope we made an eternal impact somehow.

Confident Christianity, Sermon Notes

Title: Confident Christianity
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 25 February 2024
Verse: Philippians 4:10-13

I. The Scope of the Christian’s Approach 

II. The Source of the Christian’s Attitude

III. The Supply of the Christian’s Ability