Author Archives: Dad

Midnight Bread

K, I just wrote a post on bread, so this is especially weird.

I stayed up late last night watching a movie on my phone.

It got so late that I eventually got hungry and broke into the pantry and ate a few slices of bread with butter.

I finish the movie and off to shower and bead.

No big deal, right?

The next day, Mom is bewildered.

Why is the bread lying out? And who ate it?

And here’s the thing: You and I both say it was us!

Apparently, after I went to bed – you got up in the middle of the night and ate a few slices of bread too! 🤣

You and I, just lurking around the house when everyone else is asleep, eating bread in the dark. Hahahaha!

I say great minds think alike.

I love you.


Living Inside Out, Sermon Notes

Title: Living Inside Out
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 7 November 2023
Verse: Philippians 2:12-16

I. Live Inside-Out in Your Actions (12-13)
A.     Compliant (12) 
B.     Controlled (13)

II. Live Inside-Out in Your Attitude (14)
A.     What You Say to Yourself
B.     What You Say to Others

III.   Live Inside-Out in Your Appearance (15)

IV.   Live Inside-Out in Your Assignment (16)

Earwax Bread

T, should I even be documenting this?

I don’t remember when it began.

But at some point, we gave you a roll to eat.

One of those rolls where the outside of the bread is a shade crunchier than the inside.

Well, you got your finger in it, pulled out the soft insides, and told everyone you were eating “earwax.”

This has continued unchecked to the point that you now essentially call all soft bread “earwax.”

So here I am – writing something about earwax bread, questioning how I got here. and reevaluating my priorities. 🤣

I love you.
