Author Archives: Dad

Halloween 2023

Eventful Halloween 2023 I would say.

H, you were home “sick” and skipped school.

I think you were just overtired.

You did manage to rally in the late afternoon and have enough energy to trick or treat. 🤣

T, you had a mid-morning Halloween party at school with a small trunk-or-treat.

The school served a sweet-filled lunch feast and then Mom brought you home to hang with H and me all afternoon.

You slept on my chest for over two hours.

K, you were at school all day…because…middle child.

After that, we did our standard trick-or-treat trip to Pop and Gammie’s house followed by canvising a handful of streets around our house.

I love you.


Montessori Kid

T, you are our Montessori kid.

You are three, three and a half, and are often the most helpful child in the house.

Not “helpful” in the sense that you are capable of more, but in the sense that you are more conscious of the needs around you and look to see what needs to be done.

No knock against H and T, I think this is all a 100% product of schooling.

Learning Tree always felt like teachers barking at an uncontrolled classroom.

While all of you went to Learning Tree, the short time you have been in the TAS Montessori School has changed your disposition.

As I understand it, the Montessori methods are built on a few simple pillars:

  • Hands-on learning.
  • Mixed-age classrooms
  • Uninteruppted work time
  • Independence

Plain and simple, your teachers will not do anything for you that you can do yourself.

And this is evident!

Mom and I carved pumpkins yesterday.

Kneeling on the vinyl floor, I muttered to myself about not having the knee pad we use to bathe y’all.

A moment later, I looked up, and you had gone to the other end of the house without anyone asking and were handing the pad to me:

Here you go daddy.

I love you.


The Ultimate Example Of Humility, Sermon Notes

Title: The Ultimate Example of Humility
Speaker: Austin Damron
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 29 October 2023
Verse: Philippians 2:5-11

  1. Jesus did not use his power for his own gain (v.6)
  2. Jesus became a servant for our good (v.7)
  3. Jesus was obedient (v.8)
  4. Jesus was exalted for his humility (v.9-11)