Author Archives: Dad

Teacher Assassins

H, your class is a bunch of teacher assassins.

No joke, if you have a teacher – that teacher is probably gone within a year.

It’s actually been kind of amazing to watch…

Kindergarten teacher – disappeared and never came back after the first week of school.

Kindergarten replacement teacher – quit at the end of the year

First-grade teacher – retired at the end of the year.

Both second-grade teachers – somehow all lived.

Third-grade teacher – moved at the end of the year.

Fourth-grade math teacher – quit ten weeks into school.

Y’all straight-up murdering teachers. 🤣

I love you.


Unified Believers, Sermon Notes

Title: Unified Believers
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 22 October 2023
Verse: Philippians 2:1-4

I.​The Premise of Unity (1)
A.​Consolation in Christ
B.​Comfort of Love
C.​Communion with the Spirit
D.​Compassion of Heart

II.​The Picture of Unity (2)
A.​One Mind
B.​One Love
C.​One Accord
​D.​One Purpose

III.​The Peril of Unity (3a)
A.​Selfish Ambition

IV.​The Preservation of Unity (3b-4)

Get Real, Sermon Notes

Title: Get Real!
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 15 October 2023
Verse: Philippians 1:27-30

I.      Real Christianity is Revealed in Actions (27) 
A.     In Conduct (27a)
B.     In Consistency (27b)
C.     In Cooperation (27c)

II.    Real Christianity is Reflected in Attitude (28)  
A.     In Courage (28a)
B.     In Confidence (28b)

III.   Real Christianity is Resolved in Adversity (29-30)
A.   In Commitment (29) 
B.     In Conflicts (30)