Author Archives: Dad

Food Poisoning

K, we ate a Pop and Gammies this last weekend for dinner.

Baily and Chloe were in town so we spent most of Saturday hanging out with them.

We did all the usual and they even came to church with us on Sunday.

The best part of the weekend though was this.

You asked to say that prayer over dinner.

Pop grilled steak.

You recited your usual list of thank you’s for this and that, etc…

But then at the end, you go:

And please help us not to get food poisoning tonight. Amen.

You basically ended the prayer with the punchline of a joke!

We all just died laughing.

You sweet little kookaburra.

I love you.


Joyful Servants and Saints, Sermon Notes

Title: Joyful Servants and Saints
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 17 September 2023
Verse: Philippians 1:1-2

I.      Servants – Bought by Jesus Christ (Paul and Timothy)

LifePoint: We are not our Own, Jesus Paid for Us

II.    Saints – Believers in Jesus Christ
A.     Positional (In Christ)
B.     Progressive (Becoming Like Christ)

LifePoint: Because we are “in Christ,” we are becoming more “like Christ.”

III.   Salutation – Blessings from Jesus Christ
A.     Sequence – (Grace and Peace)
B.     Source – (from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ)

LifePoint: Grace from the Lord brings Salvation and Peace.

Kitties To Church

K, do you know the best part of taking my little kitties to church on Sunday?

Well, the best part is just getting to be with them, with you.

Although sometimes you won’t sit by me and it makes me mad. 🤣

The second best part of it is the notes and drawings collected when we finish.

You do good work.

And I hope all this is getting in your heart too.

I love you.


Kitties To Church