Author Archives: Dad

Is Your Life Panicked Or Peaceful?, Sermon Notes

Title: Is Your Life Panicked Or Peaceful
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 10 September 2023
Verse: Luke 10:38-40

I.  A Panicked Life (Martha)   (40-41)
A.        Her Activities (Much Serving)
B.        Her  Anxiety (Many Things)

LifePoint:  Life Becomes Frenzied and Frustrating When You Don’t Focus on Jesus

II.       A Prioritized Life (Mary)  (39-42) 
A.        Her Awareness by
B.        Her  Acceptance
C.        Her Action

LifePoint:  Life Becomes Focused and Favorable  at the Feet of Jesus

III.     A Peaceful Life (Jesus)
A.        Forget our Cares
B.        Feed our Souls
C.        Focus our Priorities
D.       FindOurselves

LifePointLife Becomes Faithful and Firm when you Fellowship with Jesus               


T, I don’t even remember where this started but you have been milling around the house saying: “Abraca-Debra.”

Not: “Abracadabra.”

It’s with a definite DEBRA at the end of it.

Maybe it started with the magic set that H has had out in the last few days and a simple mispronunciation, I’m not even sure.

But it’s the funniest and cutest thing.

Of course, now you are old enough to see our reactions and play into it a bit.

But I’ll take what I can get from my last baby. 💌

l love you.


Brown Gum

Simply reading the title “brown gum” makes me gag a little bit in my mouth.

Blargh. 🤢

But, T, this is what you have taken to calling the bits of meat that we cut for you whenever we eat steak.

And we usually eat steak when we eat over at Pop and Gammy’s house.

You get to chewing on it and then start in…

We all get to hear how you want more, or you are full of, or you need ketchup for – your “brown gum.”

I laughed for about 5 seconds the first time you said it and then was like – ok – eww.

Okay, I gotta quit writing about it.

I’m going to gross myself out. 🤣

I love you.
