Author Archives: Dad

15 August 2023

Where are Pop and Gammies? Mom and I split the day at home

T, you and I did puzzles in the floor, we all watched TV, and all vedged out most of the morning

It’s the last day of summer, school tomorrow, time is too fast, I hate it

13 August 2023

Church this morning, it was promotion Sunday, Mom and I have GOT to find a new Sunday School class

Swimming at Tech pool from 530 – 630, Slim Chicken to-go for dinner

You girls all took a bath together, y’all all barely fit in there together anymore, but you played so well together tonight, sooo much laughing

The Exaltation & Sufficiency of the Word of God, Sermon Notes

Title: The Exaltation & Sufficiency of the Word of God
Speaker: Nick Watts
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 13 August 2023
Verse: Psalm 119:97, 105-106

1. Love for God and love for his Word go hand in hand. – vs 97; cf. 24, 47, 103, 111, 140, 165, 167; Matthew 22:37; Is 66:2

“Atheists are often more informed on the Bible and Christian doctrine and history than most Christians.” – Joel Furches

If I truly love the Bible I’m going to read it; I’m going to think about it; I’m going to talkabout it with others; I’m going to put it into practice.

2. The light of God’s Word guidesprotectsrevivesencourages, and liberates. – Vs 105; cf. 18, 125, 130, 133, 144, 160; Eph 1:18

There is a way that seems right, but in the end it leads to death. – Proverbs 14:12; 16:25

The blazing flame of God’s Word is not sent to merely astound us with its brilliance, but also to guide us by its instruction. – Spurgeon

3. My solemn surrender: to love and obey the Word of God. – Vs 106; cf. 11, 13, 34, 67, 81, 87; 1 Corinthians 15:58

“Those who believe in the Holy Scriptures are bound to observe its teachings. Those who do not are to be bound by its consequences.” – William Bradford

The exaltation and sufficiency of the Word of God represents the exaltation and sufficiency of  Jesus Christ. – John 1:1, 14


“If you know how to worry you know how to meditate. Worrying is just negative meditation.”