Author Archives: Dad

12 August 2023

K and T up early, we made monkey bread for breakfast late

Mom had a migraine/stomach bug so we had a chill day, went on an afternoon drive, got Taco Casa for lunch

I’ve been staying up past 1 AM all week, ugh

Peanut Butter Baby

T, you have a peanut butter baby, and it’s the cutest thing ever.

We bought this little doll forever ago named “Peanut.”

Mom and I even bought it before we had kids!

When H was born, we gave it to her.

But when we found out H had a peanut allergy, Peanut was thrown in the back of the closet somewhere.

K discovered it but was never interested.

Until one day, T, YOU found it.

You found out it was named Peanut and suddenly started carrying it around everywhere.

You call it “Peanut Butter” and are always asking me if I have seen your “peanut butter baby.”

I love you.


9 August 2023

Another day at Pop and Gammies and only a few days of summer left

We all stayed up late watching Dude Perfect

T, I laid with you on the floor in a pallet in your room until you fell asleep, we both fell asleep, actually