Author Archives: Dad

I Love Donuts

This was forever ago, but T, I was tucking you in once and you were 90% asleep with your eyes closed murmuring.

As I laid you down you softly said:

I love donuts.

And then you just rolled on your side and went to sleep. 🤣

I love you.


8 August 2023

Another standard workday, nothing too fun or dull

But then at 5:30, we all went with K to get her ears pierced, my Mamacita, we did it at a tattoo parlor and they did an awesome job of it

Went out to eat at Cheesecake Factory afterwards, and then I stayed up way too late

31 July 2023

Monday’s are hard sometimes

T’s Montessori school is closed for two weeks, so everyone was as Pop and Gammies today

Mom and I worked, everyone was bushed, will be more peaceful when I sell a brand on a cotton buying partnership, ugh