Author Archives: Dad

6 August 2023

Lazy morning and hen church as usual, Bro. David has been in sabbatical and Brandon Hayes has been filling in (he has done really well), and a sabbatical sure sounds nice (oh wait I just had one of those)

K went with Pop to lunch so the rest of us went to Raising Canes, I drank too much sweet tea

Dinner at Pop and Gammies tonight, T even stayed and slept over, H and K came home, yall watched funny video clips and laughed so hard

A Psalm for the Forgetful, Sermon Notes

Speaker: Brandon Hayes
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 6 August 2023
Verse: Psalm 103

1. God doesn’t hold your sins against you. 

2. God satisfies you with goodthings.

3. God shows you the compassion of a perfect father.

4. God looks after you as your faithful King. 

Ways God is good to me:

Salvation, grace, forgiveness, health, beautiful family, Topo Chico, steak, breakfast, coffee, beer

3 August 2023

Mom and I split the day at home with y’all, summer is almost over and T’s daycare is closed

Delivered a check to a hoe-hand in east Lubbock this afternoon, waited in some field for over an hour only to find his car was broken down 10 minutes away

Dinner at Abuelo’s and then Academy to get school shoes for K