Author Archives: Dad

A Psalm for the Irritated, Sermon Notes

Title: A Psalm for the Irritated
Speaker: Brandon Hayes
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 16 July 2023
Verse: Psalm 37

1. The riches of the wicked won’t last. 

2. Getting worked up about the wicked only hurts you. 

3. The Lord always has, is, and will take care of his kids. 

15 July 2023

H is at Hannah’s

Played all morning, 50th Street Caboose and video games for lunch, Deluth, Target, and Ulta, Mom and K does their toenails done

Everyone was lazy after 5, stayed up too late playing on my phone

9 July 2023

Taught four-year-old class in extended session at church, all you girls helped, David Wilson on sabbatical

Lunch at Pop and Grammies, steak, you kids are fried

First day of work tomorrow after six weeks off