Author Archives: Dad

A Psalm for the Dissatisfied, Sermon Notes

Title: A Psalm for the Dissatisfied
Speaker: Brandon Hayes
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 9 July 2023
Verse: Psalm 16

1. Believe God’s ways are better. 

2. Delight in the giver, not the gifts. 

3. Let Him guide you. 

4. Rejoice in the gospel.

8 July 2023

Went fishing with Pop in the morning but didn’t catch a thing

Ate Rosa’s for lunch to celebrate Pop’s birthday

Went to a wedding for one of mom’s customers, they served biscuits and gravy with sides for dinner

7 July 2023

My last day of work after 6 weeks off, wut?!

H to Rock Solid, K and T home with me all day, errands, lots of playing and sister fights

I stayed up way too late watching a movie