Author Archives: Dad

The Most Important Job On The Planet, Sermon Notes

Title: The Most Important Job On The Planet
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 30 April 2023
Verse: Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:6-11

I. The penetration and the purpose commanded by the Lord (Matthew 28:19)

II. The participants chosen by the Lord (Acts 1:8)

III. The plan charged by the Lord (Acts 1:8)
A. A witness must know something (Right message)
B. A witness must say something (Right methods)
C. A witness must be something (Right manner)

IV. The parameters commissioned by the Lord (Matthew 28:19, Acts 1:8)

V. The power channeled by the Lord (Matthew 28:20, Acts 1:8)

VI. The period calculated by the Lord (Matthew 28:20, Acts 1:9-11)

29 April 2023

Everyone slept late, coffee, unpacking, laundry, vacation hangover

Recovery and TV time, went to Pop and Gammies to say hi

Family trip to grocery store, played charades and Uno after dinner, K and T on same team

28 April 2023

Shoes still soaked from last night, wore socks and sandals and sweatpants on the flight home

Flight from Orlando to DFW got canceled on our way to the airport, Dunkin Donuts, coffee, relaxing, long TSA line, left 2 hours later

Flights delayed, rerouted to Austin, supposed to be back in LBK by 5 PM, got home at 10:30 PM, kids in bed my midnight, can’t turn brain off, went to bed at 3 AM