Author Archives: Dad

Easter Truth

K, you apparently dropped an Easter truth bomb on your class this last week.

Before your kindergarten Easter egg hunt you announced to your class the finality of it all.

I picture you deadpan, just like I would say it:

Y’all better enjoy this today – because this is it! There are no Easter egg hunts in first grade. Isn’t that right Mrs Huerta?

She had to agree. 🤣

I love you.


Easter 2023

It was a good Easter.

Everyone was up early so we made the 9:30 service with Pop after you girls ravaged your Easter Baskets.

We took pictures in the front yard when we got home.

Each of your Easter dresses somehow managed to perfectly convey your personalities more than I can succinctly describe…

After we changed clothes and gathered our things, we went to Pop and Gammies house for lunch.

Pop made steak and baked potatoes for us and I thought I was going to die I was so full.

We came home and painted eggs and did an egg hunt in the afternoon.

Y’all were ecstatic about it all – and I remember being very sleepy.

Pop and Gammies came over to our house for dinner.

We had chips and dip and sandwiches and threw cascarones into the street as the evening came.

H and K, y’all left and went to Pop and Gammies house for a sleepover.

It clouded up and rained right after y’all left.

T, 30 minutes later you were asleep in my arms and all my goodnight songs had already been sung.

I was a good day.

I love you.


The Emptiness Of Easter, Sermon Notes

Title: The Emptiness Of Easter
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 9 April 2023
Verse: Luke 23:50-24:12

I. Empty cross

II. Empty tomb

III. Empty grave clothes

IV. Empty lives

V. Emptiness full of promise