Author Archives: Dad

The Cross: Where Grace And Wrath Collide, Sermon Notes

Title: The Cross: Where Grace And Wrath Collide
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 2 April 2023
Verse: Romans 3:23-26

I. The rebellion of man (23) Separation

II. The redemption of Jesus (24b) Salvation

III. The reason for the cross (25-26) Why did Jesus have to die?
A. Turn away God’s wrath (Propitiation)
B. Demonstrate God’s righteousness (Justice)

IV. The results of the cross (24a, 26b) Justification

A Life Honoring The Lord, Sermon Notes

Title: A Life Honoring The Lord
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 26 March 2023
Verse: 2 Timothy 2:20-26

I. A cleansed life (21a)

II. A consecrated lifestyle (21b)

III. A constructive mentality (21c)

IV. A compliant mindset (21d)

V. A committed heart (22)
1. Running from sin
2. Running toward Godliness

VI. A conscientious restraint (23)

VII. A calm and composed personality (24)

VIII. A controlled spirit (25a)

IX. A compassionate attitude (25b-26)

Staying True To the Truth, Sermon Notes

Title: Staying True To The Truth
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 19 March 2023
Verse: 2 Timothy 2:14:19

I. Requires abstaining from unprofitable arguments (14)
A. Worthless and hollow
B. Wounding and harmful

II. Requires attention to utmost accuracy (15)

III. Requires avoidance of ungodly apostates (16-18)

IV. Requires anchoring in unchanging assurance (19)
A. God’s recognized possession
B. Man’s refraining path

“A text – taken out of context – is simply a con.”