Author Archives: Dad

Mommy’s Pants

I wear wind pants – regular windpants – to work out in.

I always have – other than shorts when it’s hot.

So I told you that to tell you that for my 42nd birthday, my big present was a pair of new workout pants.

“Joggers,” they are called.

Of course, by the time you read this, I’m sure they will be long out of style…

I digress.

The new pants are much slimmer than the old ones.

And they are particularly fitted over the calf.

The next day everyone is getting ready, so I put on my new pants to go to the gym.

I’m sitting in the kitchen tying my shoes.

T, you walk up, put your hand on my knee and say:

Dad, why you wearing mommy’s pants?

You asked because it’s true!


I look like I’m in women’s yoga pants.


But – at least everyone else at the gym does too.


That’s what I get for trying to update my wardrobe.

I love you.


Was Cranky

It was a good day.

But I’m glad it’s over. 🤣

I was cranky. Mom was cranky. All of you kids were cranky.

Nobody had any grace for anyone else. Nobody could be empathetic for half a second.

Nobody could stop talking and walk away.

None of you kids could take an order.

I love you though.

Even on days like this.

Especially on days like this.

I love you.


That’s Lubbock

It was a good day.

I mean, I had a fever and body ache this morning and we missed church, but it’s fine.

It’s fine.

H, you had Sierra’s birthday party at Blazing Bouncers.

K, you had a go-away party for Mabry, a girl in your class moving to Tennessee.

Had a super gross sandstorm this evening.

But what are you gonna do?

That’s Lubbock every now and again.

I love you.
