Author Archives: Dad

Ear-piercing Concert

Southcrest Christmas program was tonight.

I’ll have to go back and try to find out who the two guest singers were that sang with the church choir doing backup.

H and K, y’all sat on the edge of your seats in wonder at the grandness of it all.

K, you eventually slumped to the side and fell asleep in mom’s lap.

T, you slept curled in my lap nearly the entire show.

It’s funny how kids can wake to the slightest sounds at home – but sleep peacefully through an ear-piercing concert. 🤣

I love you.


From Zambia

We sponsored a little girl from Zambia recently.

I wanted to capture the first letter we wrote her, after the introductory letter she sent us.

I am so glad we get the opportunity to change each other’s lives in small (and sometimes big) ways.

T, when mom asked you what you wanted to tell her about yourself you said, “I love goats.” 🤣

We said:

Dear B,

We are the T family.  We live in Texas in the United States.  S and J are mom and dad.  S sells cotton, and J works at a bank.  We have 3 little girls.  H is 9 years old and in 3rd grade.  K just turned 6 and is in kindergarten.  T is 2 years old and goes to preschool.  H wants you to know that she is an awesome artist.  K’s favorite color is pink.  T loves goats.  H asked Jesus into her heart and was baptized last Sunday.  We are getting ready to celebrate Christmas and hope you know that Jesus loves you.  Here is a picture of our Christmas card this year.  Please keep writing us.  We loved your letter.


The T Family

Wiggly Tooth

K – my heart be still – you are the most beautiful kindergartener.

And now you have your first loose tooth.

I mean, I’m not even sure exactly when it happened…

It was like you went to Pop and Gammies to spend the night, came home, turned to me at the dinner table, and said, “look at my tooth, Dad!”

Mom wanted me to title this post wiggly tooth because that’s what you keep calling it, your “wiggly tooth.”

You are loved.

With every milestone, I feel like my heart could just burst with pride, nostalgia, and the ache of time passing.

More firsts, please.

I love you.
