Back At Work

Today was the first day my office was officially “back at work.”

I’m still trying to help out at home though with maternity leave and kindergarten still going on, so I left work at noon.

I was thinking how odd it is that many stores are requiring face-masks to enter.

Since doctors (at least from what I have read) think that only the “N-95” surgical masks stop transmission, the entire thing feels like a show to simply make people feel better.

Gloves are the same thing. If a drive-thru worker is not going to change their gloves after exchanging goods for payment with every customer, what’s the point?

When I got home we ate lunch and, H and K, I took you both for a long drive.

We took my white Tahoe, where you girls sat beside each other and played together the entire time.

It was just nice to be out of the house and moving.

I love you.
