Back To The Hotel

Another full-full day at the pool and lazy river today.

There were only three notable differences between today and the last two days.

One, H, you made a friend and spent half the day playing with her (her name was Ellie).

Two, K, you were done with swimming and ready to go back to the hotel room by lunchtime.

And three, the cousins got here around eight this evening.

They showed a movie tonight on the back lawn but H, you were the only one of us that got to watch.

T, you were headed to bed and asleep before it started (mom stayed with you).

K, it was so late, you were done and ready to go back to the room after 10 minutes (I brought you back to the room).

H, you miraculously stayed for the entire thing! You sat with the Daves and they brought you back to our room when the movie was over.

You were dead on your feet with exhaustion – just as a seven-year-old should be on a hot summer night.

Ok. I’m off to bed now too.

I love you.
