Be With You

H, I took you to the dermatologist today.

Mom had this important meeting to prepare for…

(Which she nailed by the way.)

So you and I left the house around 8:40 to make your 9:00 appointment.

It was standard fare.

But we waited – uh – pretty much forever.

I mean, from the time we got there until we saw the doctor was an entire hour.

We talked and joked, pointed out things in the room to each other, looked out the window, and finally watched Netflix on my phone.

We changed seats a dozen times.

You sat in my lap for the longest time too.

Afterward, as I was driving you to school, I told you:

I just love hanging out with you. Even though we had to wait a long time this morning, and it was kind of boring, I’m sure glad I got to be with you. If we are doing something fun – or something not so fun – I just love getting to spend time with you.

I still do.

You replied: “Me too, Dad.”

I love you.
