Own Bed

Your Bed

H, I am ashamed to say that this is the first week since K was born, that you have slept entirely in your own bed.

It began like this:

To start the night, you would start sleeping in your own bed.

And then 4 hours later you were waking us up wanting to sleep with us.

Of course, we were too tired to parent and we would just put you in bed with us.

Then you were sleeping 3 hours before coming to our room.

Then it was 2 hours.

Finally, we just started telling you to lay down with us.

And then, yeah, we turned around and a year and a half had gone by.

I know – parents of the year – right here.

Nevertheless, you have done awesome.

With a new nightlight and new Troll sheets, you took to your bed again like a duck to water with only one or two crying incidents.

We miss snuggling you but know we need to teach you to sleep by yourself.

Plus you are getting so big and tall, we were running out of room!

Goodness, I love you.

Can’t wait to see you in a few minutes.

I love you.
