Bible Study

Mom Has A Bible Study, So I Hold You

Mom started a new bible study.

It’s at church on Sunday nights and it starts at 7:00.

And K, you go to bed these days around 7:30.

So that means we all eat dinner together, everyone gets a bath or shower, and we all get in pajamas before mom leaves.

Afterward, I try to turn something on TV for H – and then I try to put you to bed.

The bible study met for the first time this last Sunday.

I went to put you down, and well, you lost it.

Screaming, crying, yelling “da-da-da.”

I would leave you for ten minutes, and then hold you for ten minutes before I put you down again.

You got to the point you were over-tired.

H even fell asleep – on her own – before you went to sleep.

I finally picked you up and stretched out flat in the recliner.

You fell asleep on my chest, and slept there until mom picked you up off of me when she came home.

It was wonderful.

I can’t wait to do it again next Sunday night.

I love you.
