Buddy Holly Hall

We were bad today.

We didn’t make it to church.

See, K, last night was your first dance recital!

The long and short of it is that you were perfect.

You practiced so much, you looked adorable, and you did absolutely fantastic.

They only hiccup was that the concert started at 6:30 – and your little group of girls was scheduled to be the third or fourth dance to go on.

And then somehow your classes’ slot got moved to just before intermission.

It was probably 8 PM by the time y’all went on. I think you yawned 4 or 5 times during your routine!

Anyway, it was fun and it was the first time we all got to go into the new Buddy Holly Hall building.

We didn’t get home until 9:30. And we didn’t get all you kids in bed until around 10:30.

Pop and Grams came to watch too and T – we even got you a babysitter for the first time.

I was such a big day: We had a basketball game just after lunch, a birthday party at 2:00 (K’s friend Opie), and then the dance recital in the evening.


Even I had a hard time winding down. I was still puttering around the house well after midnight…

So we all woke up late – mom and I craving coffee and Advil – and we missed church.

I love you.
