Cafeteria For Breakfast

K, I have been taking you to school often since H started kindergarten.

And I just love our mornings together.

H and mom are out the door by 7:30, and suddenly it’s just you and I in a quiet house.

I usually take Huck out and finish getting dressed while you watch cartoons.

When I am ready, I help you out of your pajamas and into your school clothes. I will gather up all of our things and fill-up my coffee one last time.

As I put you in the car you always ask to watch something on my phone – and I always say yes.

We get to Learning Tree right at 8 and I take you straight to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Your class does not come in until 8:05 – 8:10.

So, again, it’s just you and I – and it’s quiet one last time before the day starts.

The cafeteria lady is fixing plates and I always go get you one.

Afterward, I get you a glass of milk for the cart in the corner of the room.

And then we sit together side-by-side until your class get there.

Sometimes we talk and sometimes we simply enjoy the silence.

I just enjoy being with you.

I adore you.

I love you.
