Can The Devil Make You Do It?, Sermon Notes

Title: Can The Devil Make You Do It?
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 2 October 2022
Verse: James 1:12-16

1. The surety of temptation (13)
A.a The trial will test your faith: the temptation will test your obedience
B.a Temptation is usually something we find easy to do: testing is usually something we find difficult to do
C.a Temptation is focused on selfishnesswithout reference to God: testing brings dependence on God and a deeper relationship
D.a Temptation exploits our weakness to our detriment: testing exposes our weakness to be strengthened by God
E.a Temptation completed leads to slavery to sin, spiritual immaturity, guilt, and broken fellowship: testing completed leads to godly freedom, spiritual maturity, and open fellowship

2. The source of temptation (13-14)

3. The sequence of desire
A. Desire (Lust) – a strong desire for something
B. Opportunity (Enticement)
C. Action (Sin)
D. Separation (Death) (15)

4. The success over temptation
A. Remove yourself from opportunity
B. Control desire through renewing the mind (Word) Romans 12:2
C. Depend on the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16)
D. Accountability (1 Corinthians 10:13)