Category Archives: H

Just Worried

K, you said the absolute sweetest thing the other day.

H was headed to Callie’s house to swim before going to Nerf Wars and Hazel’s church.

I knew all that, but when I came to pick you up from school, H was already gone.

I wanted to check and make sure she got where she was supposed to go – but before I could stop you – you ran to the back of the school and started asking all the teachers “Where is my sister?!” 🤣

We talked to Ms. Butler though and she assured us everything was good.

You didn’t say much on the way back to the car.

I asked if you were ok and you said.

Yeah, I was just worried about H. I know we fight a lot and push each other’s buttons. But she is my best friend. I love her so much.

My girl. 🥲

I love you.


Cinderella Song


I posted about the Cinderella song here before.

But at this last daddy-daughter dance, you make me laugh real good about it.

The dance was nearly half over and they had only been playing fast songs to that point.

Then they started playing Cinderella out of the blue.

You came over and asked me to dance.\

I said, “of course.

And that “they are playing the song!”

You casually said, “I know – I told them to play it.” 🤣

K, we danced quite a bit too, but you were just getting over a stomach bug and at about 60% capacity.

The night closed with you sitting in my lap and your head resting on the table. ☹️

Y’all were both so beautiful in your dresses.

And I even wore a tie.

I love you.


Prison Food

H, last night at dinner you said the funniest thing.

See, Mom had cooked homemade potato soup the day before.

I was not a hit with any of you children.

To make it worse, we were eating the potato soup as leftovers with grilled cheese on the side.

So we just start eating and there is all this crosstalk and complaining about dinner.

You cut everyone off and declared to the table:

Hey! We should be thankful for this – because they serve stuff worse than this in prison.

I’m dead now. 🤣

I wish I had a picture of the look on Mom’s face…

And by the way, I don’t even know what y’all were complaining about.

The soup was actually delicious.

I love you.
