Category Archives: H

Two Cavities

H, you had your first cavity filled this last week!

(Two cavities, actually.)

Of course, I explained it as:

These little bacteria bugs in your mouth can dig down in the side of your teeth. When they do, the dentist cleans them out for you.

I, uh, certainly did not want to explain that you were about to get two shots directly in your gums.

But you handled it like a total champ!

Much better than I did at the dentist at that age.

In fact, it was such a non-event that you immediately asked to go back to Rock Solid (camp) after we finished…

You have gotten too big and too independent too fast.

I mean, it’s ok to still need your dad sometimes.

Right? Right.

I love you.


Forever Friends

H, you finished your second year of basketball camp this week!

And you liked it! (As far as I can tell.)

You even got an award again this year.

For “best improvement and hard work.”

Most of all, I enjoy watching you with the older girls.

There is something wholesome about the way they lookout for you – and the way you lookup to them.

I nearly got emotional listening to the coach pray over all of you on the last day.

I hope you enjoy whatever sports you play – and hope you find an uplifting group of forever friends along the way to enjoy it with.

Y’all had this line dance y’all did at the end of practice too.

And I’m not gonna lie, it was fun to watch!

I love you.


Had A Zoom

H, I dropped you off at basketball camp this morning because mom had a zoom call.

You and Hannah were so adorable getting ready to play.

I even managed to get a good picture of y’all.

You were just this little baby two days ago and now you are running and playing like one of the other big ole stinky high schoolers.

I wish I had more time with my little kindergartner goose, but she is gone.

Tonight I am going to hug my first grader extra tight for a few seconds longer.

I love you.
