Category Archives: H

Two Songs

H, you were in your first Southcrest Christmas program last night.

The children’s choir (Pre-K thru fourth grade) that you are part of sang two songs at the beginning of the program.

You sang Happy Birthday Jesus and I’ll Give Him My Heart.

Before the program started they also showed a video asking Christmas questions to your Kindergarten class.

You were so beautiful and perfect and confident.

Mom and I had no idea the video was coming before it started.

Grandma and Grandpa came as well as Gammies.

K, you watched intently as H performed and then fell asleep as soon as she was finished.

Missing your nap, you slept between my lap and mom’s lap for almost an hour. Honest to goodness a marching band played Little Drummer Boy 30 feet away and you never flinched.

Gammies took us out to eat after it was over – H, you picked Olive Garden – and we were as tired as we could be when we all finally got home.

Too much stuff going in December as always.

Let’s go to bed early tonight.

I love you.


Complete Ham

I have the most silly/sassy girls.

Last night we all went to church for H’s Christmas program rehearsal.

We ate Abuelo’s on the way there and opened the front door of the church to the roaring sound of children.

H joined her class.

And we milled around with other family members waiting for the Wednesday night service to finish. K, you found Kendall and Luke and ran to them to say hi.

Kendall was sweet and introduced you to her friends while Luke stood back and played too-cool-for-school.

H, you did wonderful.

Delightfully, you also had some of the silliest gestures I have ever seen. You exaggerated the words a few times in the intro and even threw in a few hand motions for good measure.

And K!

You were a complete ham out in the audience. You were all over me standing in the chair beside me. You frequently kissed me, clapped your hands, hugged my neck, jumped on mom, and sang along to every word you knew.

Ya’ll are silly and perfect.

I love you.


Actual footage of H during rehearsal:

Actual footage of K during rehearsal:

Directing Waves

H, I made a note about this and forgot to post about it.

See, this last summer we went to the beach.

We slept in late, swam in the hotel pool, ate out too much, and headed to beach every evening a few hours before sunset.

It was a delight watching you girls play, but, honestly, I am not a huge fan of the beach life.

I am more interested in being on the patio with a cold drink – looking at the beach.

I am less interested in being in a swimsuit running in the sand and swimming in the ocean.

H, you kept wanting to go out farther and farther into the ocean each day. So mom would take you. Y’all would walk out until the waves were too high for you to bare. And I would play with K back on the beach.

The last night there you insisted I wade out too. We even carried K out to get in on the fun (and because we couldn’t leave her on the beach by herself).

After a bit mom and K went back to shore and you and I stayed for a while longer.

As the waves came in, you started moving your hands back and forth mirroring their rhythm as they crashed. Up and down. Up and down, as the waves hit you right above the knees.

I finally asked, as casually as possible, what you were doing.

You said:

I’m directing waves. Showing them where they need to go.

You kept it up until I eventually told you it was time to go.

I like that you played for so long as if I wasn’t watching.

I hope you always do that.

I love you.
