Category Archives: H

Love Nuggets

H and K, since we have told you about our newest little love, y’all have been the biggest love nuggets!

I’m sure a therapist would say it has to do with a certain level of uncertainty over the future and a necessary reassurance.

But you two have been hugging, kissing, wanting to snuggle, and demanding to sit in mom and my lap for the last two days.

I will take it while I can get it!

We just love y’all to the moon.

I love you.


Having A Girl

Mom and I have a voicemail from the doctor’s office that we waited until today to listen to.

We dropped you kids off at church Crest Care, hit the Raising Cane’s drive-thru on the way home and listened to the voicemail at the kitchen table just before we ate.

We are having a girl!


Three girls in our family!

Mom and I were supposed to watch movies for the next few hours to relax, but mom was (apparently) all keyed up about it, and she fell asleep on the couch ten minutes later.

I can’t wait to meet our new addition!

I love you.


Lost Tooth

H, you lost your first tooth this last Friday.

Of your bottom front teeth, it was the left one.

The crazy thing is this: You pulled it yourself!

I am not even kidding.

You are so brave I can’t even believe it sometimes.

I mean, I don’t remember ever pulling one of my own teeth.

But riding back from a Midland allergy appointment the next day, you took your tooth out of the zip-lock bag it was in to show it to K.

K pressed her finger on it (or so I was told later) and the tooth disappeared in the back of my car.

When we got home, I looked for it for you for nearly an hour.

I never found it, but what were we going to do with it long-term anyway?

I am sorry I got mad at you for dropping it.

I love you.
