Category Archives: H

Pictures With Mosquitoes

We took pictures with mosquitoes last night.

See, we did our family pictures in January, but these pictures were just for you girls.

The problem is that this has been a particularly wet year – so by the time we made it out to the dam on Canyon Lake Dr. – all the mosquitoes in the world had arrived too.

We used bug spray, swatted at each other faces, and scratched at our arms until the photographer allowed us to escape.

You got so hot, K, your cheeks were red by the time we finished. H, you were over it all 60 seconds after we got there.

Mom dressed you in matching blue dresses and when we were finished, we ate popsicles from Frio’s.

We made it home just before it rained.

I love you desperately.


Homeward Bound

We mostly watch animated movies at home, but a few weeks ago, we watched the movie, Homeward Bound.

Mom and I had not seen it since it came out. H, you had never seen it. And we were a little afraid it would be a little too big and too real for K.

Well, we watched it anyway: And everyone was on the edge of their seat for the entire film.

We had to pause it nearly 100 times you girls were asking so many questions about what kind of danger was ahead.

K, I think you nearly cried at the end.

Dad, is Shadow doing to be ok?! Mom, what happened to shadow?! Is he sad? What happened? Is his leg ok?

Y’all played cats and dogs for a week after we saw it.

Maybe I’ll suggest it again tonight.

I love you.


Basketball Camp

H, you went to basketball camp for the first time this week.

Truth be told: You also played basketball for the first time this week.

I demonstrated and gave you four pointers before you went:

  • I showed you how to pass the ball.
  • Explained that if you have the ball, you must be dribbling it.
  • To score a point, just shoot the ball in the basket.
  • And that if the other team has the ball, you don’t let them score.

You loved it.

Mom dropped you off the first day and said you were a little scared, but that an older girl in the third grade, named Kendall took you under her wing.

We went and watched you play the last hour of the last day. You were beautiful. And a little fireball on defense.

And you won an award for best sportsmanship!

The coach told mom you were the sweetest thing – and loved cheering for the other girls.

I love you.
