Category Archives: H

My Dada

My Dada

K, you have started a jealousy in our house.

See, you wait until H is within earshot and you come up and sweetly sit in my lap.

Then you wait and make eye contact with H.

And then you hug me tight and say:

My daddy.

Of course, H is nearly forced to come over and compete.

Soon, both of you are on me. You both hug me and flop around trying to get a better position while arguing:

My daddy.

No, MY daddy.

No! He’s My daddy…

This all began some time ago, back when you would say “My dada.”

Ya’ll are perfect and wonderful. And can fight over me any old time.

My girls.

I love you.


Sing Talking

Sing Talking

H, I love that you are into sing talking.

I am not even sure if that is what it’s called.

But the crux is this: You frequently sing about the mundane things of everyday life.

It’s adorable.

You can be getting ready for church:

I’m getting my backpack and my doll, and I’m brushing my hair. It’s almost time to go.

Or you will be riding in the car, doing it with mom:

Mom what is for dinner tonight? Rice and beans? But I don’t want rice and beans. Do you have anything else?

It’s adorable.

Of course, you’ll have to make up your own tune to the lines above for it to make sense.

I love you.


Missed Me Missed Me

Missed Me Missed Me

Girls, last night before bed we played a game of Missed Me, Missed Me, Now You Gotta Kiss Me.

It started in between the time we took our baths, brushed our teeth, and got our pajamas on – and the time we started reading books.

I started out chasing H, but K was in on it all too in a hot second.

Mostly the game was chaos. But that was fine by me.

Because, practically, the game involved you girls singing the title of the game in a taunting way while I chased you down, scooped you up in my arms, and smothered you with kisses on the face.

My girls.

I love you.
