Category Archives: H

Swimming Goggles

Swimming Goggles

H has this pair of swimming goggles, you see.

We bought them last summer when she started swimming lessons.

And slowly, they have become a staple of bath nights.

H, you put them on and practice holding your breath under the soapy water.

Anyway, last night K was in a lively mood and insisted on wearing these pink goggles while she played.

K, I don’t even remember what you were saying but you stopped mom and I in the kitchen and were absolutely pleased with yourself having them on.

Of course, after a moment you just streaked on by to the next thing.

I love you.


Animated Mannerisms

Animated Mannerisms

K, you have got the absolute best animated mannerisms going on right now.

First, you do this thing sometimes when listening where you tilt your head over to the side in an exaggerated way.

Second, you have begun saying “ok” to us in a way that sounds almost like a game.

After each sentence, or phrase, I tell you something, you say “OK” in this very matter of fact way with a little snap to it.

K come here. “Ok.”
We need to get your pajamas on. “Ok.”
Change your diaper. “Ok.”
And brush your teeth. “Ok.”
Are you ready? “Ok.”

And finally – I don’t even know how it’s a thing – but you run through the house in the cutest way possible.

Your sweet pitter-patter of feet is usually streaking by on your way to H’s room to play. And it’s heartbreakingly beautiful.

Two is just the best age.

And yes, H, your mannerisms might have been different, but two was such a beautiful age for you too.

I love you.


Prayer Fights

Prayer Fights

H and K, when we eat dinner, y’all frequently have prayer fights.

The last week or two has been unusually contentious.

By that I mean you girls fight about who is going to pray first.

You make ugly faces at each other while the other is praying.

And you interrupt each other.

Ya’ll even say “Amen” to finish the other’s prayer so you can start yours.

And no, if you are asking. No I can’t get anyone at the table to close their eyes during all of this.

We laugh through all of it though – and y’all are as beautiful as a desert rose.

I love you.
