Category Archives: H

Unicorn Goat

Unicorn Goat

H, before bed the last few weeks we have been reading a ridiculous story about this unicorn goat.

The book is called: A Unicorn Named Sparkle

This girl buys a unicorn and then finds out it is actually a goat.

It’s the way she finds out that had us laughing.

She loves this unicorn but is immeasurably frustrated that it is not acting very much like a unicorn.

Finally she is playing with it one day and these boys come long to watch.

They look over the fence and say:

What’s your goats name?

We laughed about that line for three weeks.

I simply love to laugh with you.

I love you.


Feel Better Soon Daddy

H, I was sick this last weekend.

By the time I got home from work on Friday, I knew I felt bad.

On top of that, Pop and Gammies came over on Friday to spend the night.

We all went out to Red Zone for dinner but I felt like a sick teddy bear all jacked up on Advil.

Yes – teddy bear. It sounds better than grizzly bear. Although my disposition was maybe more like the latter.

I thought I had the flu, but it turned out to be a bad sinus infection, I think.

So I told you all that to tell you this.

One of the times I emerged from our back bedroom over the weekend, you stood by mom and in a sweet tone said:

Feel better soon daddy.

First, you said it in a very sweet but formal way.

Your tone was kind while your posture was like you were giving a school presentation.


Second, it still melts my heart when you call me “Daddy.”

I love you.


Those Pants

Those Pants

Forgot to tell you this story.

It happened last weekend in Ruidoso.

It was late on Saturday and we had finished swimming. All of you girls were piling into the bathtub to take a bath together.

Yes – it was a giant bathtub.

So all three of you are sitting there while the water is still filling up the tub and H, looks at me and says in an excited tone:

Dad! Why don’t you get in with us!?

I turn around to respond, but before I can say anything, H scrunches her face up in a grossed out way and continues:

Maybe just wear those pants though.


I love you.
