Category Archives: H

Nothing To Say

Nothing To Say

When you make it a daily routine to sit down and write, there are bound to be days here and there when you have little to nothing to say.

Some call it “writer’s block” or whatever else.

But I tend to think, not saying something – when it is you job to say things – is a little undisciplined and unprofessional.

Anyway, today was one of the kind of days that this struggle made sense to me.

You find yourself tired, after a long and ordinary day, and every word you type feels like pushing a boulder up a hill.

All I know is that despite how we felt, we all laughed a lot tonight.

We read for the first time this ridiculous story about a little girl that bought a unicorn, which turned out to be a goat.

In fact, I think I’ll write a post about that tomorrow.

I love you.


Raider Power

Raider Power

So we have gone to a number of Tech basketball games in the last year or so.

In the process, you girls have picked up a few things.

You know about where we park, the way we walk to the stadium, and where we like to sit.

And naturally, you have picked up the habit – ya’ll got it from mom – of ordering popcorn and Coke before we head to our seats.

But today, on the way home from church, ya’ll broke into spontaneous cheer.

K started it all by yelling: “Raider!…Power!” all on her own.

We all immediately joined in and kept up the back and forth almost the entire way home from church.

H and K, from the back seats: “Raider!”

Mom and Dad, from the front seats: “Power!”

Maybe we need season tickets? We’ll see.

I love you.


Shadow Day

Shadow Day

H, today you had a shadow day at Southcrest School.

In preparation for Kindergarten, the short of it is that you got to spend a half-day in one of the Kindergarten classes.

Basically, you get to observe them, and they get to observe you.

Driving over, just after we had dropped off K, you said you were excited, but also a little nervous.

Mom was a lot nervous – but let’s not make this about her.

We dropped you off at 7:45 and picked you up at 12:30, after mom and I met with the principal and assistant principal at 11.

When we got you, you asked if you could come back after lunch, told us you had an awesome morning, and even said:

I never want to leave this place.

Well, you start in the fall. And I hope you love it there.

I had never thought to put it this way about private school but the principal said that children here sometimes “get an opportunity to grow up a little slower.”

I kind of like that idea.

I say, let adults worry about adult things, and let kids be kids for as long as possible.

I love you.
