Category Archives: H



I had such high hopes of us all being in bed early tonight.

But after gymnastics and then dinner, we all got to playing with these little building blocks, these little magnetic tiles, called Magna-tiles.

It was a blast.

Even mom and I got to playing and using our imaginations.

We all sat around the dining room table passing pieces back and forth as we took turns laughing at our creations.

By the time teeth were brushed, pajamas were on, nighttime books were read, and prayers were said, it was after 9.

We did get to finish Disney’s: Growing Up Wild on Netflix.

I took a minute to myself while mom showered, but K was crying again in less than hour.

When do children start sleeping through the night again?

I’m tired now.

I love you.


The Potty

The Potty

K, today you went to the bathroom in the potty for the first time!

I think you technically went once before when you were getting in the bathtub and mom sat you down on the training potty, in a last ditch effort to not let you go in the floor or in the fresh bath water.

But this time you did it yourself.

I didn’t see it, but you and mom were in the bathroom and suddenly everyone was screaming.

At first, I was not sure what everything was about, but when we found out we all praised you like you had finished your first marathon.

H gave you a big hug.

And you smiled so proudly.

I love you.


Around The Roses

Around The Roses

Wow, what a hard Monday back.

See, we had Christmas break, and then mom took another week off work to keep y’all home. Then you both spent three days with mom’s parents, and finally, we went to see my parents for three days.

So yeah – nobody wanted to get up this morning.

And of course it couldn’t just be a slow workday either. There was a crisis by 9 AM.

But sometimes it works out.

We all played ring around the roses when I got home and then mom made pancakes for dinner.

It doesn’t get much better than that.

I love you.
