Category Archives: H

You Made Three Points

H, you scored in your first points in a basketball game today!

You made one shot from the field and then got fouled and made one free throw later in the game for a total of three points!

Running an offense had proved difficult for a group of first-grade girls still learning to dribble…

You have to dribble, look up the court, pass the ball, have teammates that can get open, and finally be able to shoot the ball in the goal.

So I have been trying to work on defense with y’all:

  • Keep your arms up.
  • Stay between the girl you are guarding and the goal.
  • Move your legs.
  • And if your girl gets the ball – go take it away from her.

We lost the game 11-22 today, but y’all are playing better and better every week.

Did I forget to say here that I was the coach?

Hannah’s mom Leandra and I are coaching.

I love you.


Looking For Shade

Last day of school today…

H, you have finished the first grade!

You had a big field-trip to Blazing Bouncers and the park all afternoon.

I did not get to go but mom chaperoned.

Trouble was, you didn’t feel very good today.

You are run down and have a low grade fever.

If I had to guess, I think you have a cold…

You felt so bad, we even let you skip basketball practice this evening.

K, you have finished Pre-K(3)!

Your class had a pizza and swim party.

Your class set up a slip-n-slide, a water slide, and even had a big water balloon fight.

I stayed for the whole thing and only had one complaint.

It was so hot!

I nearly sweated through my work clothes and spent too much time looking for shade.

I am so proud of y’all. You both had fantastic years, although I have a sense that three years went by over the past 12 months.

Anyway. I am super tired. What a big day.

Off for a Kerrville Memorial Day tomorrow.

I love you.


Breakfast Dog

H, a few weeks ago we needed to go to the grocery store.

We needed to go to the grocery store bad.

It was so dire one morning that instead of having butter and jelly on a piece of sliced bread for breakfast – we used hotdog buns.

Fast forward a few weeks…

Mom told me you asked for a “breakfast dog” this morning.

I had to ask exactly what you meant by that.

Did she want butter and jelly on a hotdog bun?!


Oh my gosh, I love you.
